Texas Association of Collegiate Financial Education Professionals

Board Member Nominations

From now until August 31, nominations are being accepted for open positions of the association's Board of Directors. Please consider nominating yourself or another TACFEP member for a board position. 

Submitting a nomination does not commit you or another person to running for election. It’s simply a first step toward helping the TACFEP Nominating Committee identify members who want to serve and meet eligibility criteria. The committee will select a slate of qualified candidates to stand for election this fall.

General Duties

  • Provide vision and direction for the association;
  • Attend all Board of Directors meetings;
  • Accept committee assignments by appointment;
  • Approve general operating and special budgets;
  • Preside over the annual business meeting
  • Define membership types and dues;
  • Maintain, evaluate, and revise as needed the association’s bylaws and strategic plan;
  • Act as liaisons with state, regional, and national organizations and agencies.

Terms of Service

Term of service shall commence on July 1 and end on June 30. The term of each director will be 2 years. No director will serve more than 3 consecutive terms.

Time Commitment

Board service typically requires 1-3 hours per month with the exception of attendance at the association’s annual summit and symposium programs (attendance is mandatory at both for directors).

Nomination & Selection Process

If you are interested in serving on the TACFEP Board of Directors for the 2023-2025 term of service, send an email to the Nominating Committee Co-Chair Paul Goebel at [email protected] with the subject line "I Want To Serve!" no later than August 31.

In September, the Nominating Committee will present a slate of candidates to the Board for selection. 

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